經濟型 – Titrisol® 濃縮液

  • 濃縮液,適合每天需操作各式不同滴定工作的使用者,對於標準溶液的需求多樣化!
  • 使用者可依據操作指示配製成固定濃度的標準溶液 e.g. 將濃縮液稀釋至1000 mL即可得標示濃度的標準溶液,操作簡便!
  • 使用者亦可依據不同稀釋比例調整成期待濃度的標準溶液 !
  • 輕巧好儲存,產品效期 : 五年

廣用型 – Titripur® 隨開即用型

  • Ready-to-use solution,依據不同標準溶液特性,提供多樣化包裝 500mL ~ 25L
  • 考量標準溶液儲藏安定性, 提供 HDPE 瓶,玻璃瓶及 25L 桶裝多樣化包材!
  • 透過轉接頭的使用,可連接於自動滴定儀,避免不必要的空氣或外來物質的接觸!

專業型 – Titripac® 魔術盒

  • 值得信賴的神奇包裝,適合 online monitoring 或單一標準溶液大用量使用者
  • 完全阻隔標準溶液的天敵 – CO2, 空氣, 微生物汙染!
  • 減廢 – 使用完畢的包材可輕易處理, 環保減廢
  • 可依據自動滴定儀機型搭配合適轉接頭直接連接使用,確保系統密閉性,阻隔外界干擾物!
  • 包裝 : 4L, 10L

標準溶液的最佳選擇_ Merck Titripur®

  • 標準溶液品質穩定不二法門_ 嚴格的製程環境與流程管控,包材的選擇與評估,原物料的選擇及品管標準
  • Titripur® 標準溶液品管 _ Merck 獨立 DIN EN ISO / 17025 認證實驗室
  • 多樣的包裝,完全滿足各類型滴定應用的需求 _ Titripur®、Titripac®、Titrisol®、Titriplex®
  • 符合歐、美藥典規範
  • 產品可追溯至 NIST 一級認證標準品
產品 濃度 Titrisol® 濃縮液
A Acetic acid
0.1mol/l (0.1N) 1.09944.0001 _ _
1mol/l (1N) 1.09951.0001 _ _
1mol/l (1N)_raw materials acc. to Ph Eur _ 1.99061.9025 _
Ammonium cer(IV) nitrate solution
0.1 mol/l (0.1 N) Reag. Ph Eur _ 1.02277.1000 _
Ammonium iron(II) sulfate solution for 250ml
0.1 mol/l (0.1 N) 1.09864.0001 _ _
Ammonium thiocyanate solution
0.1 mol/l (0.1 N) Reag. Ph Eur,Reag. USP 1.09900.0001 1.09079.1000 _
Ammonium buffer solution for complexometry
pH : 10-11 _ 1.09478.1000 _
B Barium chloride solution
0.05 mol/l (0.1 N) 1.09962.0001 _ _
Barium perchlorate solution
0.005 mol/l in 2-propanol/water (80/20) Reag. USP _ 1.09086.1000 _
Bromide bromate solution
0.05 mol/l (0.1 N) 1.09905.0001 _ _
C Cerium(IV) sulfate solution
0.1 mol/l (0.1 N) Reag. Ph Eur,Reag. USP _ 1.09092.1000 _
Copper sulfate solution
0.1 mol/l _ 1.02784.1000 _
Copper-di-ammonium Titriplex® solution
0.1 mol/l _Cu(NH4)2-EDTA _ 1.05217.0500 _
H Hanus solution for determination of iodine number
(Iodomonobromide solution)
Hanus 溴化碘溶液
0.1 mol/l _IBr in acetic acid _ 1.09164.1000 _
Hyamine® 1622-solution for the determination of anionic tensides
Hyamine® 1622 四級銨鹽溶液
0.004 mol/l _ 1.15480.1000 _
Hydrochloric acid
0.01 mol/l (0.01 N) 1.09974.0001 _ _
0.1 mol/l (0.1 N) Reag. Ph Eur,Reag. USP 1.09973.0001 1.09060.1000 1.09060.4000
_ 1.09060.5000 1.09060.9010
_ 1.09060.9025 _
0.1 mol/l (0,1 N) in 2-propanol
acc. to DIN 51558 part 1
_ 1.00326.1000 _
0.357 mol/l (1/2.8 N) _ _ 1.13136.9010
0.5 mol/l (0.5 N) Reag. Ph Eur,Reag. USP 1.09971.0001 1.09058.1000 1.09058.4000
_ 1.09058.5000 _
_ 1.09058.9025 _
1 mol/l (1 N) Reag. Ph Eur,Reag. USP 1.09970.0001 1.09057.1000 1.09057.4000
_ 1.09057.2500 1.09057.9010
_ 1.09057.5000 _
_ 1.09057.9025 _
2 mol/l (2 N) _ 1.09063.1000 _
_ 1.09063.9025 _
3.571 mol/l (1/0.28 N) _ _ 1.13134.9010
5 mol/l (5 N) _ 1.09911.1000 _
I Iodide iodate solution
1/128 mol/l (1/64 N) 1.09914.0001 _ _
Iodine solution
0.05 mol/l (0.1 N) Reag. Ph Eur,Reag. USP 1.09910.0001 1.09099.1000 _
0.5 mol/l (1 N) Reag. Ph Eur _ 1.09098.1000 _
M Mercury(II) nitrate solution
0.05 mol/l (0.1 N) Reag. USP _ 1.09143.1000 _
N Nitric acid
0.1 mol/l (0.1 N) 1.09964.0001 _ _
1 mol/l (1 N) 1.09966.0001 _ _
10 mol/l (10 N) _ 1.00630.1000 _
O Oxalic acid solution
0.005 mol/l (0.01 N) 1.09932.0001 _ _
0.05 mol/l (0.1 N) 1.09965.0001 _ _
P Perchloric  acid
0.1 mol/l (0.1 N) in anhydrous acetic acid Reag. Ph Eur,Reag. USP _ 1.09065.1000 _
Potassium bromate solution
1/60 mol/l (0.1 N) 1.09925.0001 _ _
Potassium dichromate solution
1/60 mol/l (0.1 N) 1.09928.0001 _ _
1/24 mol/l (0.25 N) _ 1.09118.1000 _
0.020 mol/l  for determination of COD _ 1.09119.1000 _
Potassium hydroxide solution
0.1 mol/l (0.1 N) Reag. Ph Eur 1.09921.0001 1.09112.1000 _
0.1 mol/l (0.1 N) in ethanol Reag. Ph Eur,Reag. USP _ 1.09115.1000 _
_ 1.09115.2500 _
0.1 mol/l (0.1 N) in methanol _ 1.11587.1000 _
0.1 mol/l (0,1 N) in 2-propanol acc. to DIN 51558 part 1 _ 1.05544.1000 _
0.5 mol/l (0.5  N) Reag. USP 1.09919.0001 1.11586.5000 _
0.5 mol/l (0.5 N) in ethanol Reag. Ph Eur,Reag. USP _ 1.09114.1000 _
_ 1.09114.2500 _
0.5 mol/l (0.5 N) in methanol _ 1.09351.1000 _
1 mol/l (1 N) Reag. Ph Eur,Reag. USP 1.09918.0001 1.09108.1000 _
1 mol/l (1 N) max. 0.4 ppm Ca _ 1.09107.1000 _
2.0 mol/l (2 N) in methanol Reag. USP _ 1.11787.2500 _
Potassium iodate solution
1/60 mol/l (0.1 N) 1.09917.0001 _ _
Potassium permanganate solution
0.002 mol/l (0.01 N) 1.09930.0001 _ _
0.02 mol/l (0.1 N) 1.09935.0001 _ _
0.02 mol/l (0.1 N) standardised against sodium thiosulfate Reag. Ph Eur _ 1.09121.1000 _
0.02 mol/l (0.1 N) standardised against oxalate Reag. USP _ 1.09122.1000 _
0.05 mol/l (0.25 N) _ 4.80160.2500 _
S Silver nitrate solution
0.05 mol/l (0.05 N) _ 1.11718.1000 _
0.1 mol/l (0.1 N) Reag. Ph Eur,Reag. USP 1.09990.0001 1.09081.1000 1.09081.4000
_ 1.09081.2500 1.09081.9010
1 mol/l (1 N) _ 1.09080.1000 _
Sodium arsenite solution
0.05 mol/l (0.1 N) Reag. USP _ 1.06277.1000 _
Sodium carbonate solution
0.05 mol/l (0.1 N) 1.09940.0001 _ _
Sodium chloride solution
0.1 mol/l (0.1 N) 1.09945.0001 _ _
Sodium hydroxide solution
0.01 mol/l (0.01 N) 1.09961.0001 _ _
0.02 mol/l (0.02 N) _ 1.09142.0500 _
_ 1.09142.5000 _
0.1 mol/l (0.1 N) Reag. Ph Eur,Reag. USP 1.09959.0001 1.09141.1000 1.09141.4000
_ 1.09141.5000 1.09141.9010
_ 1.09141.9025 _
0.2 mol/l (0.2 N) _ 1.09140.1000 1.09140.9010
0.25 mol/l (0.25 N) 1.09958.0001 1.09139.1000 1.09139.9010
0.33 mol/l (1/3 N) _ 1.05595.1000 1.05595.9010
0.5 mol/l (0.5 N) 1.09957.0001 1.09138.1000 1.09138.4000
_ 1.09138.9025 1.09138.9010
1 mol/l (1 N) Reag. Ph Eur,Reag. USP 1.09956.0001 1.09137.1000 1.09137.4000
_ 1.09137.2500 1.09137.9010
_ 1.09137.9025 _
1 mol/l (1N) raw materials acc. to Ph Eur _ 1.99060.9025 _
2 mol/l (2 N) _ 1.09136.1000 _
_ 1.09136.9025 _
4 mol/l (4 N) _ 1.11584.5000 _
5 mol/l (5 N) _ 1.09913.1000 _
6 mol/l (6 N) raw materials acc. to Ph Eur _ 1.99062.9025 _
Sodium thiosulfate solution
0.01 mol/l (0.01 N) 1.09909.0001 _ _
0.1 mol/l (0.1 N) Reag. Ph Eur,Reag. USP 1.09950.0001 1.09147.1000 1.09147.4000
_ 1.09147.5000 1.09147.9010
_ 1.09147.9025 _
Sulfuric acid
0.005 mol/l (0.01 N) 1.09982.0001 _ _
0.05 mol/l (0.1 N) Reag. Ph Eur 1.09984.0001 1.09074.1000 1.09074.4000
_ 1.09074.5000 1.09074.9010
0.25 mol/l (0.5 N) _ 1.09073.1000 1.09073.4000
_ _ 1.09073.9010
0.5 mol/l (1 N) Reag. Ph Eur,Reag. USP 1.09981.0001 1.09072.1000 1.09072.4000
_ 1.09072.5000 1.09072.9010
2.5 mol/l (5 N) 1.09912.0001 4.80364.1000 _
_ 4.80364.9025 _
T Tetra-n-butylammonium hydroxide solution
0.1 mol/l (0.1 N) in 2-propanol/methanol Reag. Ph Eur,Reag. USP _ 1.09162.0500 _
_ 1.09162.1000 _
Tetramethylammonium hydroxide solution
0.1 mol/l (0.1 N) in 2-propanol/methanol  Reag. USP _ 1.08124.0250 _
_ 1.08124.1000 _
Titriplex® solution A
金屬鉗合劑 A 溶液
1 ml ≙ 56 mg CaO/l using 100 ml of water
for determination of alkaline earth metals
1.09894.0001 1.08419.1000 _
Titriplex® solution B
金屬鉗合劑 B 溶液
1 ml ≙ 10 mg CaO/l using 100 ml of water
for determination of alkaline earth metals
1.09895.0001 1.08420.1000 1.08420.9010
_ 1.08420.5000 _
Titriplex® III solution (Na2-EDTA 2H2O)
0.01 mol/l 1.08446.0001 _ _
0.1 mol/l Reag. Ph Eur 1.09992.0001 1.08431.1000 1.08431.4000
_ _ 1.08431.9010
Trifluoromethanesulfonic acid in anhydrous acetic acid
0.1 mol/l _ 1.08450.1000 _
Titriplex® IV solution (Na2-DCTA)
0.1 mol/l _ 1.08447.1000 1.08447.4000
W Wijs solution for determination of the iodine number
(iodomonochloride in acetic acid)
Wijs 氯化碘溶液_碘價測定
0.1 mol/l_ICl in acetic acid _ 1.09163.1000 _
_ 1.09163.2500 _
Z Zinc sulfate solution
0.1 mol/l Reag. Ph Eur 1.09991.0001 1.08879.1000 _