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TurboMix™ Bis-Tris PAGE Casting Kit快速鑄膠套組

「上層膠溶液」與「下層膠溶液」均已預配好,僅須加入新鮮的 APS 及 TEMED!下層膠溶液可自行稀釋至需求之濃度。

Bis-Tris系統具有優秀數據解析度,與一般 Tris-Glycine 系統相比,Bis-Tris 維持系統 pH 中性,蛋白條帶更清晰、數據解析度更高。


開 Turbo 新品五折嘗鮮價

  • 包含 Turbomix (上下層膠*10片)


mPAGE™ 4X LDS Sample Buffer
Reagent Amount
Tris-HCl 0.666 g
Tris-Base 0.682 g
Lithium dodecyl sulfate (LDS) 0.800 g
EDTA 0.006 g
Glycerol 4 g
Coomassie® Brilliant Blue G250 (1% solution) 0.75 ml
Phenol Red (1% solution) 0.25 ml
Deionized water To 10 ml
mPAGE™ MES SDS Running Buffer
Reagent Amount
Tris-Base 6.06 g
MOPS 9.76 g
SDS 1.0 g
EDTA 0.3 g
Deionized water 1000 mL
MOPS SDS Running Buffer
Reagent Amount
Tris-Base 6.06 g
MOPS 10.46 g
SDS 1.0 g
EDTA 0.3 g
Deionized water 1000 mL
mPAGE™ 1X Transfer Buffer
pH 8.2 for Wet Transfer protocol
Reagent concentration Amount
25 mL Tris-Base 3.0 g
25 mM Bicine 4.08 g
10% Methanol 100 mL
Deionized water 900 mL
mPAGE™ Transfer Buffer (with Methanol) pH 8.2 for Semi Dry Transfer protocol
Reagent Amount
50 mL Tris-Base 3.0 g
50 mM Bicine 4.08 g
Methanol 50 mL
Deionized water 450 mL
mPAGE™ Gel Equilibration Buffer
pH 8.2 for Semi Dry Transfer Protocol
Reagent Amount
50 mL Tris-Base 3.0 g
50 mM Bicine 4.08 g
Deionized water 450 mL

新手懶人包(不須額外準備buffer, 隨到隨用)


  • 包含 Turbomix (上下層膠*10片)
  • Sample buffer
  • Running buffer (MES/MOPS擇一)
  • Transfer buffer


凡購買 mPAGE or Turbomix 加送小罐 ReadyBlue






輸入: 參加 Turbo 方案 或
打客服電話 0800-068-222






聚丙烯醯胺凝膠電泳(Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis)簡稱 PAGE,PAGE 使用不連續緩衝系統,在凝膠中的緩衝離子與跑膠緩衝液中的離子不同,這兩種離子之間的電泳移動率差異形成了蛋白質穿過的移動電壓梯度。

「Tris-Glycine 凝膠化學」是最常用的 PAGE 系統,它使用由 Tris-HCL 組成的凝膠以及由 Tris base 和 Glycine 組成的跑膠緩衝液。Tris-Glycine 系統在強鹼性環境中運作,可能導致我們不希望發生的蛋白質修飾(例如:脫氨作用和烷基化作用),因此導致蛋白質條帶可能會扭曲或降低解析度,凝膠的保存期限也比較有限(隨著時間發生水解)。

相較之下,「Bis-Tris 凝膠化學」系統在凝膠緩衝液中使用 Bis-Tris 和 HCL,在跑膠緩衝液中使用 MOPS 或 MES,讓整個系統在中性 pH 值下運作,可以大幅避免蛋白質發生修飾、提高蛋白質穩定性,因此可以提供更清晰的蛋白質條帶解析度和準確性。同時,也具有更快的跑膠速度、更長的保存期限,也可以靈活地與MOPS或MES跑膠緩衝液配合使用。因此,Bis-Tirs 系統的好處是:具有更清晰的蛋白質條帶解析度以及準確性,更快的跑膠速度,更長的保存期限,可以靈活搭配 MES 或 MOPS 兩種 Running Buffer 做使用。



TurboMix™ Bis-Tris PAGE Casting Kit 操作流程

  1. 製備 10% APS 溶液
  2. 加水將 Resolving Mix 稀釋至需求的濃度 % 後加入 APS 及 TEMED
  3. 將 Resolving Mix 加入玻片中待其凝結
  4. 將 APS 及 TEMED 加入 Stacking Mix
  5. 將 Stacking Mix 加入玻片中、放入齒梳,待其凝結 →完成!





【LDS sample buffer】Bis-Tris系統的pH值為中性,可以提高跑膠過程的蛋白質穩定性。使用LDS Sample Buffer,從收樣本的那一刻起,即以中性pH值溫和保護蛋白質。

【Bis-Tris running buffer】兩款running buffer適合分離不同分子量的目標蛋白質:MES適合分離小分子量蛋白,MOPS適合分離大分子量蛋白。

同一片凝膠,搭配不同的running buffer使用,可著重分離偏大或偏小分子量的目標蛋白族群。


【Bis-Tris transfer buffer】

Bis-Tris系統的pH值為中性,可以提高跑膠過程的蛋白質穩定性。使用Bis-Tris transfer buffer,讓轉漬過程也持續溫和保護蛋白質。



Product Number  Product Description
TMKIT TurboMix Bis-Tris Polyacrylamide Gel Casting Kit
TMRES-216ML TurboMix Resolving Solution, 216 mL
TMSTK-120ML TurboMix Stacking Solution, 120 mL
MPTA Adapters for mPAGE® gels when using XCell SureLock® and other compatible electrophoresis tanks
MPMES MES SDS running buffer powder for mPAGE® Bis-Tris gelspack of 5 ea (Each packet makes 1 liter of running buffer)
MPM0PS MOPS SDS running buffer powder for mPAGE® Bis-Tris gelspack of 5 ea (Each packet makes 1 liter of running buffer)
MP41G10 mPAGE® 4-12% Bis-Tris Precast GelL × W × wells 10 cm × 8 cm × 10 well
MP41G12 mPAGE® 4-12% Bis-Tris Precast GelL × W × wells 10 cm × 8 cm × 12 well
MP41G15 mPAGE® 4-12% Bis-Tris Precast GelL × W × wells 10 cm × 8 cm × 15 well
MP42G10 mPAGE® 4-20% Bis-Tris Precast GelL × W × wells 10 cm × 8 cm × 10 well
MP42G12 mPAGE® 4-20% Bis-Tris Precast GelL × W × wells 10 cm × 8 cm × 12 well
MP8W10 mPAGE® 8% Bis-Tris Precast GelL × W × wells 10 cm × 8 cm × 10 well
MP8W12 mPAGE® 8% Bis-Tris Precast GelL × W × wells 10 cm × 8 cm × 12 well
MP8W15 mPAGE® 8% Bis-Tris Precast GelL × W × wells 10 cm × 8 cm × 15 well
MP81G10 mPAGE® 8-16% Bis-Tris Precast GelL × W × wells 10 cm × 8 cm × 10 well
MP81G12 mPAGE® 8-16% Bis-Tris Precast GelL × W × wells 10 cm × 8 cm × 12 well
MP81G15 mPAGE® 8-16% Bis-Tris Precast GelL × W × wells 10 cm × 8 cm × 15 well
MP10W10 mPAGE® 10% Bis-Tris Precast GelL × W × wells 10 cm × 8 cm × 10 well
MP10W15 mPAGE® 10% Bis-Tris Precast GelL × W × wells 10 cm × 8 cm × 15 well
MP10W12 mPAGE® 10% Bis-Tris Precast GelL × W × wells 10 cm × 8 cm × 12 well
MP12W10 mPAGE® 12% Bis-Tris Precast GelL × W × wells 10 cm × 8 cm × 10 well
MP12W12 mPAGE® 12% Bis-Tris Precast GelL × W × wells 10 cm × 8 cm × 12 well
MP12W15 mPAGE® 12% Bis-Tris Precast GelL × W × wells 10 cm × 8 cm × 12 well
MP41G12TR1 mPAGE® Trial Kitincludes 2 4-12% Bis-Tris precast gels, 10×8 cm, 12-well, MOPS SDS powder, makes 1L of running buffer, 2 tank adapters
MP42G12TR1 mPAGE® Trial Kitincludes two 4-20% Bis-Tris precast gels, 10×8 cm, 12-well, MOPS SDS powder, makes 1L of running buffer, 2 tank adapters
MP10W12TR1 mPAGE® Trial Kitincludes two 10% Bis-Tris precast gels, 10×8 cm, 12-well, MOPS SDS powder, makes 1L of running buffer, 2 tank adapters
MP41G12TR2 mPAGE® Trial Kitincludes two 4-12% Bis-Tris precast gels, 10×8 cm, 12-well, MES SDS powder, makes 1L of running buffer, 2 tank adapters
MP10W12TR2 mPAGE® Trial Kitincludes two 10% Bis-Tris precast gels, 10×8 cm, 12-well, MES SDS powder, makes 1L of running buffer, 2 tank adapters
MP12W12TR2 mPAGE® Trial Kitincludes two 12% Bis-Tris precast gels, 10×8 cm, 12-well, MES SDS powder, makes 1L of running buffer, 2 tank adapters
MPC0 Tool for operning mPAGE® gel cassettes
MPTRB Transfer buffer powder for use with mPAGE® Bis-Tris gelspack of 10 ea (Each packets makes 1 liter of transfer buffer at 1X)
MPBD When running a single gel, the buffer dam can be used to occupy space in the electrophoresis tank normally taken by another gel.
A3656 5-Aza-2′-deoxycytidine≥97%
T22500 N,N,N′,N′-TetramethylethylenediamineReagentPlus®, 99%
43816 DL-Dithiothreitol solutionBioUltra, for molecular biology, ~1 M in H2O
63689 2-MercaptoethanolBioUltra, for molecular biology, ≥99.0% (GC)
MPSTD4 mPAGE® Color Protein Standard
MPSTD3 mPAGE® Unstained Protein Standard
G1041 EZBlue Gel Staining Reagent
SCT145 EZFluor™ 1-step Fluorescent Protein Gel Stain (1L)Fluorescent protein gel stain that requires only a single 5-30 minute staining step without fixation.
SCT147 EZFluor™ UV 1-step Fluorescent Protein Gel Stain (1L)Fluorescent protein gel stain that requires only a single 5-30 minute staining step without fixation.
PROTSIL1 ProteoSilver Silver Stain Kit


1.Robinson DR, Watts NR, Coombs DH. 1988. Heat cleavage of bacteriophage T4 gene 23 product produces two peptides previously identified as head proteins. J Virol. 62(5):1723-1729. http://dx.doi.org/10.1128/jvi.62.5.1723-1729.1988