Standard solutions (CRM) 專為光度計設計的查核標準液

為了減少使用者在配製標準液過程的誤差,默克特別貼心製作水質分析常用元素的查核標準品 :
• 節省配製時間及減少稀釋過程的誤差
• 追溯到國際標準品NIST
• 精準的量測分析數據提供擴充量測不確定度
• 完整的品質分析證書(CoA)

以下標準溶液,CRM包裝為100 ml in H2O

產品 濃度 準確度 產品編號
A Ammonium standard solution 氨氮 0.400 mg/l NH4-N ± 0.012 mg/l 1.25022.0100
Ammonium standard solution 氨氮 1.00 mg/l NH4-N ± 0.04 mg/l 1.25023.0100
Ammonium standard solution 氨氮 2.00 mg/l NH4-N ± 0.07 mg/l 1.25024.0100
Ammonium standard solution 氨氮 6.00 mg/l NH4-N ± 0.13 mg/l 1.25025.0100
Ammonium standard solution 氨氮 12.00 mg/l NH4-N ± 0.4 mg/l 1.25026.0100
Ammonium standard solution 氨氮 50.0 mg/l NH4-N ± 1.2 mg/l 1.25027.0100
C COD standard solution 化學需氧量 20.0 mg/l ± 0.7 mg/l 1.25028.0100
COD standard solution 化學需氧量 100 mg/l ± 3 mg/l 1.25029.0100
COD standard solution 化學需氧量 200 mg/l ± 4 mg/l 1.25030.0100
COD standard solution 化學需氧量 400 mg/l ± 5 mg/l 1.25031.0100
COD standard solution 化學需氧量 1,000 mg/l ± 11 mg/l 1.25032.0100
COD standard solution 化學需氧量 2,000 mg/l ± 32 mg/l 1.25033.0100
COD standard solution 化學需氧量 8,000 mg/l ± 68 mg/l 1.25034.0100
COD standard solution 化學需氧量 50,000 mg/l ± 894 mg/l 1.25035.0100
N Nitrate standard solution 硝酸鹽 0.50 mg/l NO3-N ± 0.05 mg/l 1.25036.0100
Nitrate standard solution 硝酸鹽 2.50 mg/l NO3-N ± 0.06 mg/l 1.25037.0100
Nitrate standard solution 硝酸鹽 15.0 mg/l NO3-N ± 0.4 mg/l 1.25038.0100
Nitrate standard solution 硝酸鹽 40.0 mg/l NO3-N ± 1 mg/l 1.25039.0100
Nitrate standard solution 硝酸鹽 200 mg/l NO3-N ± 5 mg/l 1.25040.0100
Nitrite standard solution 亞硝酸鹽 0.200 mg/l NO2-N ± 0.009 mg/l 1.25041.0100
Nitrite standard solution 亞硝酸鹽 40.0 mg/l NO2-N ± 1.3 mg/l 1.25042.0100
Nitrogen (total) standard solution 總氮 2.50 mg/l N ± 0.06 mg/l 1.25043.0100
Nitrogen (total) standard solution 總氮 12.0 mg/l N ± 0.3 mg/l 1.25044.0100
Nitrogen (total) standard solution 總氮 100 mg/l N ± 3 mg/l 1.25045.0100
P Phosphorus (total) standard solution 總磷 0.400 mg/l PO4-P ± 0.016 mg/l 1.25046.0100
Phosphorus (total) standard solution 總磷 4.00 mg/l PO4-P ± 0.08 mg/l 1.25047.0100
Phosphorus (total) standard solution 總磷 15.0 mg/l PO4-P ± 0.4 mg/l 1.25048.0100
S Sulfate standard solution 硫酸鹽 40 mg/l SO4 ± 6 mg/l 1.25050.0100
Sulfate standard solution 硫酸鹽 125 mg/l SO4 ± 6 mg/l 1.25051.0100
Sulfate standard solution 硫酸鹽 400 mg/l SO4 ± 20 mg/l 1.25052.0100
Sulfate standard solution 硫酸鹽 800 mg/l SO4 ± 27 mg/l 1.25053.0100

Certipur® 標準液–可追溯到NIST標準液


Certipur® standard solutions

產品 濃度mg/l 包裝ml 產品編號
A Aluminium 鋁 1000 100 1.19770.0100
Ammonium 氨 1000 500 1.19812.0500
Antimony 銻 1000 100 1.70204.0100
Arsenic 砷 1000 100 1.19773.0100
B Boron 硼 1000 100 1.19500.0100
C Cadmium 鎘 1000 100 1.19777.0100
Calcium 鈣 1000 100 1.19778.0100
Chloride 氯 1000 500 1.19897.0500
Chromate 鉻酸 1000 500 1.19780.0500
Chromium 鉻 1000 100 1.19779.0100
Cobalt 鈷 1000 100 1.19785.0100
Copper 銅 1000 100 1.19786.0100
Cyanide 氰 1000 500 1.19533.0500
F Fluoride 氟 1000 500 1.19814.0500
G Gold 金 1000 100 1.70216.0100
I Iron 鐵 1000 100 1.19781.0100
L Lead 鉛 1000 100 1.19776.0100
M Magnesium 鎂 1000 100 1.19788.0100
Manganese 錳 1000 100 1.19789.0100
Mercury 汞 1000 100 1.70226.0100
Molybdenum 鉬 1000 100 1.70227.0100
N Nickel* 鎳 1000 amp 1.09989.0001
Nitrate 硝酸鹽 1000 500 1.19811.0500
Nitrite 亞硝酸鹽 1000 500 1.19899.0500
P Palladium 鈀 1000 100 1.14282.0100
Phosphate 磷酸鹽 1000 500 1.19898.0500
Platinum 鉑 1000 100 1.70219.0100
Potassium 鉀 1000 100 1.70230.0100
S Silver 銀 1000 100 1.19797.0100
Silicon 矽 1000 100 1.70236.0100
Sulfate 硫酸鹽 1000 500 1.19813.0500
T Tin 錫 1000 100 1.70242.0100
TOC 總有機碳 1000 100 1.09017.0100
V Vanadium 釩 1000 100 1.70245.0100
Z Zinc 鋅 1000 100 1.19806.0100

* Titrisol® 濃縮包裝,需稀釋定量到1000ml

SQ Prove

量測參數 (有Cell字樣表示試管型套組)量測範圍(試劑型為總範圍)試劑編號方法代碼比色皿尺寸(mm)測試方法原理Prove100Prove300Prove600
Acid Capacity Cell Test to pH 4.3
(total alkalinity) 總鹼度
0.40 – 8.00 mmol/l10175820816指示反應YYY
ADMI 色度2.0-100.0AppNote2518-比色法YYY
ADMI 色度10-500AppNote2517-比色法YYY
α-acids α酸 2)0-80 mg/lAppNote2612-比色法YYY
Aluminium Cell Test 鋁 1)0.02 – 0.50 mg/l Al10059419616鉻天青-S法YYY
Aluminium Test 鋁 1)0.02 – 1.20 mg/l Al1148254310,20,50鉻天青-S法YYY
Amino nitrogen, free - see Free Amino Nitrogen
Ammonia, free 游離氨0.00 – 3.65 mg/l NH 3AppNote252010, 20, 50同氨氮測試YYY
Ammonium Cell Test 氨(氮)0.010 – 2.000 mg/l NH 4 -N11473910416水楊酸法YYY
Ammonium Cell Test 氨(氮)0.2 – 8.00 mg/l NH 4 -N1145585116水楊酸法YYY
Ammonium Cell Test 氨(氮)0.5 – 16.0 mg/l NH 4 -N1145445216水楊酸法YYY
Ammonium Cell Test 氨(氮)4.0 – 80.0 mg/l NH 4 -N1145595316水楊酸法YYY
Ammonium Test 氨(氮)0.010– 3.00 mg/l NH 4 -N1147525410, 20, 50水楊酸法YYY
Ammonium Test 氨(氮)2.0 – 75.0 mg/l NH 4 -N10068315510水楊酸法YYY
Ammonium Test 氨(氮)5 – 150 mg/l NH 4 -N10068316310水楊酸法YYY
Anthocyanogenes 花青素 2)0– 100 mg/lAppNote2601-酸性水解法YYY
Antimony 銻(水和廢水中)0.10 – 8.00 mg/l SbAppNote130-煌綠法YYY
AOX Cell Test 吸附性有機鹵素 1)0.05 – 2.50 mg/l AOX10067515616氧化氯化法YYY
Arsenic Test 砷 1)0.001 –0.100 mg/l As10174713210,20二乙基二硫代氨基甲酸銀法YYY
Bitterness - beer 苦味度-啤酒 2)1 – 80 BUAppNote2603-紫外吸收法YY
Bitterness - wort 2 苦味度-麥芽汁 2)1 – 120 BUAppNote2604-紫外吸收法YY
BOD Cell Test 生化需氧量 1)0.5 – 3,000 mg/l BOD10068715716溫克勒水中氧定量YYY
Boron Cell Test 硼 1)0.05 – 2.00 mg/l B10082616416甲亞胺-H法YYY
Boron Test 硼 1)0.050 – 0.800 mg/l B1148394610薑黃素法YYY
Bromate 水中及飲用水溴酸鹽0.003 – 0.120 mg/l BrO 3AppNote195-3,3二甲基萘啶法YYY
Bromine Test 溴 1)0.020 – 10.00 mg/l Br 210060514610S-DPD法YYY
Cadmium Cell Test 鎘0.025 – 1.000 mg/l Cd1148346716鎘試劑衍生物法YYY
Cadmium Test 鎘0.0020 – 0.500 mg/l Cd10174518310, 20, 50鎘試劑衍生物法YYY
Calcium Cell Test 鈣 1)10 – 250 mg/l Ca10085816516酞紫法YYY
Calcium Test 鈣 1)5 – 160 mg/l Ca1148154210, 20乙二醛縮-鄰氨基苯酚法YYY
Calcium Test 低濃度鈣 1)1.0 – 15.0 mg/l Ca11481512510乙二醛縮-鄰氨基苯酚法YYY
Calcium Test 鈣 3)0.20 – 4.00 mg/l Ca10004930410酞衍生物YYY
Carbohydrates, total - see Total Carbohydrates
Carotene (palm oil) 胡蘿蔔素(棕櫚油)10 – 7,500 mg/kgAppNote2523-比色法YYY
Chloride Cell Test 氯離子 1)5 – 125 mg/l Cl1147309516鐵(III)-硫氰酸鹽法YYY
Chloride Test 氯離子 1)2.5 – 25.0 mg/l Cl11489711010鐵(III)-硫氰酸鹽法YYY
Chloride Test 氯離子 1)10 – 250 mg/l Cl1148976310鐵(III)-硫氰酸鹽法YYY
Chloride Cell Test氯離子 1)0.5 – 15.0 mg/l Cl10180421816鐵(III)-硫氰酸鹽法YYY
Chloride Test 氯離子 1)0.10 – 5.00 mg/l Cl10180721950鐵(III)-硫氰酸鹽法YYY
Chlorine Cell Test (free chlorine) 餘氯 1)0.03 – 6.00 mg/l Cl 210059514116DPD法YYY
Chlorine Cell Test (free chlorine +
total chlorine) 餘氯和總氯 1)
0.03 – 6.00 mg/l Cl 210059714216DPD法YYY
Chlorine Test (free chlorine) 餘氯 1)0.01 – 6.00 mg/l Cl 210059814310, 20, 50DPD法YYY
Chlorine Test (total chlorine) 總氯 1)0.01 – 6.00 mg/l Cl 210060214510, 20, 50DPD法YYY
Chlorine Cell Test (free chlorine +
total chlorine) 餘氯和總氯 1)
0.01 – 6.00 mg/l Cl 210059914410, 20, 50DPD法YYY
Chlorine Cell Test (free chlorine +
total chlorine) 餘氯和總氯 1)
0.03 – 6.00 mg/l Cl 210059719410DPD法YYY
Chlorine Test (free chlorine +
total chlorine) 餘氯和總氯 1)
0.01 – 6.00 mg/l Cl 210059930610DPD法YYY
Chlorine Dioxide Test 二氧化氯 1)0.02 – 10.00 mg/l ClO 210060814910DPD法YYY
Chlorophyll-a (DIN/ISO) 葉綠素-a 測試結果為μg/l Chl-a或 PhaeoAppNote2509-比色法YYY
Chlorophyll-a (APHA/ASTM) 葉綠素-a測試結果為mg/m3 Chl-a或PhaeoAppNote2504-比色法YYY
Chlorophyll-a, -b, -c (APHA/ASTM) 葉綠素測試結果為mg/m3 Chl-a, -b, -cAppNote2507-比色法YYY
Chromate Cell Test 鉻 1)0.05 – 2.00 mg/l Cr1145523916二苯碳醯二肼法YYY
Chromate Cell Test
(total chromium) 鉻和總鉻 1)
0.05 – 2.00 mg/l Cr1145523916過硫酸鹽氧化-二苯碳醯二肼法YYY
Chromate Test 鉻 1)0.010 – 3.00 mg/l Cr1147584010, 20, 50二苯碳醯二肼法YYY
Chromium Baths 鉻(電鍍槽)4.0 – 400 g/l CrO 3AppNote20-比色法YYY
Cobalt in water 鈷(水和廢水中)0.5 – 10.0 mg/l CoAppNote305-亞硝基-R鹽法YYY
COD 化學需氧量 1)4.0 – 40.0 mg/l COD1145603116重鉻酸鉀法YYY
COD 化學需氧量 1)5.0 – 80.0 mg/l COD10179621116重鉻酸鉀法YYY
COD 化學需氧量 1)10 – 150 mg/l COD1145401416重鉻酸鉀法YYY
COD 化學需氧量 1)15 – 300 mg/l COD11489510516重鉻酸鉀法YYY
COD 化學需氧量 1)50 – 500 mg/l COD1146909316重鉻酸鉀法YYY
COD 化學需氧量 1)25 – 1,500 mg/l COD1145412316重鉻酸鉀法YYY
COD 化學需氧量 1)300 – 3,500 mg/l COD1146919416重鉻酸鉀法YYY
COD 化學需氧量 1)500 – 10,000 mg/l COD1145552416重鉻酸鉀法YYY
COD 化學需氧量 1)5,000 – 90,000 mg/l COD10179720916重鉻酸鉀法YYY
COD 化學需氧量(無汞配方) 1)10 – 150 mg/l COD10977213716重鉻酸鉀法YYY
COD 化學需氧量(無汞配方) 1)100 – 1,500 mg/l COD10977313816重鉻酸鉀法YYY
COD 化學需氧量(海水/高氯廢水) 1)5.0 – 60.0 mg/l COD11705822016重鉻酸鉀法YYY
COD 化學需氧量(海水/高氯廢水) 1)50 – 3,000 mg/l COD11705922116重鉻酸鉀法YYY
Color α(436) (光譜吸收係數) 色度0.1 – 250 m -1AppNote15-436nm處測試YYY
Color α(525) (光譜吸收係數) 色度0.1 – 250 m -1AppNote61-525nm處測試YYY
Color α(620) (光譜吸收係數) 色度0.1 – 250 m -1AppNote78-620nm處測試YYY
Color 色度(410)(EN 7887)2 – 2,500 mg/l PtAppNote303-410nm處測試YYY
Color 色度 – EBC 2)0.0 – 60.0 EBCAppNote2602-比色法YYY
Color 色度 Hazen 1)0.2 – 500 mg/l Pt/Co (Hazen)AppNote32-鈷鉑比色法,340nmYYY
Color 色度 Hazen 1)0 – 1,000 mg/l Pt/Co (Hazen)AppNote179-鈷鉑比色法,445nmYYY
Color 色度 Hazen 1)0 – 1,000 mg/l Pt/Co (Hazen)AppNote180-鈷鉑比色法,455nmYYY
Color 色度 Hazen 1)0 – 1,000 mg/l Pt/Co (HazenAppNote181-鈷鉑比色法,465nmYYY
Color of sugar solutions - see ICUMSA Color
Copper - EBC 銅 2)0.10 – 5.00 mg/l CuAppNote2613-Cuprethol法YYY
Copper Cell Test 銅 1)0.05 – 8.00 mg/l Cu1145532616銅試劑法YYY
Copper Test 銅 1)0.02 – 6.00 mg/l Cu1147672710, 20, 50銅試劑法YYY
Copper Baths 銅(電鍍槽)2.0 – 80.0 g/l CuAppNote83-比色法YYY
Cyanide Cell Test (free cyanide) 氰化物 1)0.010 – 0.500 mg/l CN10253122816吡啶-巴比妥酸法YYY
Cyanide Cell Test (free cyanide) 1)
氰化物 1)
0.010 – 0.500 mg/l CN1145617516吡啶-巴比妥酸法YYY
Cyanide Cell Test (readily liberated cyanide)
可解離氰化物 1)
0.010 – 0.500 mg/l CN1145617516吡啶-巴比妥酸法
Cyanide Test (free cyanide) 1)
氰化物 1)
0.0020 – 0.500 mg/l CN10970110910, 20, 50吡啶-巴比妥酸法YYY
Cyanide Test (readily liberated cyanide)
可解離氰化物 1)
0.0020 – 0.500 mg/l CN10970110910, 20, 50吡啶-巴比妥酸法
Cyanuric Acid Test 氰尿酸2 – 160 mg/l Cyan Acid11925321020三嗪衍生物法YYY
delta K268 (橄欖油)-0.10 – 1.00AppNote2528-紫外吸收法YY
delta K270(橄欖油)-0.10 – 1.00AppNote2529-紫外吸收法YY
Diacetyl - see Vicinal Diketones
DOBI (palm oil) 脫色能力指數(棕櫚油)0.00 – 4.00AppNote2524-紫外吸收法YY
Flavanoids 黃酮類化合物 2)3.0 – 200.0 mg/lAppNote2626-4-二甲基氨基肉桂醛法YYY
Fluoride Cell Test 氟化物 1)0.10 – 1.80 mg/l F10080921516茜素磺酸鋯法YYY
Fluoride Cell Test sensitive 氟化物低濃度0.025 – 0.500 mg/l F10080921650茜素磺酸鋯法YYY
Fluoride Test 氟化物 1)0.10 – 2.00 mg/l F11459816610氟試劑法YYY
Fluoride Test 氟化物 1)1.0 – 20.0 mg/l F11459816710氟試劑法YYY
Fluoride Test 氟化物0.02 – 2.00 mg/l F10082221750SPADNS法YYY
Formaldehyde Cell Test 甲醛 1)0.10 – 8.00 mg/l HCHO1145002816變色酸法YYY
Formaldehyde Test 甲醛 1)0.02 – 8.00 mg/l HCHO1146789110, 20, 50變色酸法YYY
Free Amino Nitrogen beer / wort
0 – 400 mg/lAppNote2606-茚三酮法YYY
Gold Test 金0.5 – 12.0 mg/l Au1148214510羅丹明-B法YYY
Hardness - see Total Hardness or Residual Hardness
Hazen - see Color Hazen
Hydrazine Test 聯氨 1)0.005 – 2.00 mg/l N 2 H 41097114410, 20, 504 -二甲氨基苯甲醛法YYY
Hydrogen Peroxide Cell Test 過氧化氫 1)2.0 – 20.0 mg/l H 2 O 21147319916硫酸氧鈦法YYY
Hydrogen Peroxide Cell Test
低濃度過氧化氫 1)
0.25 – 5.00 mg/l H 2 O 211473112850硫酸氧鈦法YYY
Hydrogen Peroxide Test 過氧化氫0.015 – 6.00 mg/l H 2 O 211878919810,20鄰菲囉啉衍生物法YYY
ICUMSA Color GS1/3-7 色度0 – 50,000 IU7.0AppNote2548-比色法YYY
ICUMSA Color GS2/3-9 色度0 – 600 IU7.0AppNote2549-比色法YYY
ICUMSA Color GS2/3-10 色度0 – 50 IU7.0AppNote2550-比色法YYY
ICUMSA Color GS9/1/2/3-8 色度0 – 20,000 IU7.0AppNote2551-比色法YYY
Iodine Test 碘 1)0.050 – 10.00 mg/l I 210060614710, 20, 50S-DPD法YYY
Iodine Test, photometric 碘值 2)0.00 – 0.80AppNote2615-碘法YYY
Iodine Test, photometric 碘值 2)0.00 – 0.80AppNote2616-碘法YYY
Iodine Color Number 碘價色度0.010 – 3.00AppNote33-340 nm處測試YYY
Iodine Color Number 碘價色度0.010 – 3.00AppNote21-445 nm處測試YYY
Iron - EBC 鐵 2)AppNote2623-三嗪衍生物法YYY
Iron - EBC 鐵 2)AppNote2624-三嗪衍生物法YYY
Iron Cell Test 鐵0.05 – 4.00 mg/l Fe1145493716三嗪衍生物法YYY
Iron Cell Test 鐵 1)1.0 – 50.0 mg/l Fe114896106162,2’-聯吡啶法YYY
Iron Test 鐵0.005 – 5.00 mg/l Fe1147613810, 20, 50,100 4)三嗪法YYY
Iron Test 鐵 1)0.010 – 5.00 mg/l Fe10079616110, 20, 5 鄰菲囉啉法YYY
Iso-αAcids Iso-α酸 2)0 – 60AppNote2611-紫外吸收法YY
K232 (olive oil) (橄欖油)0.00 – 4.00AppNote2525-紫外吸收法YY
K268 (olive oil) (橄欖油)0.00 – 4.00AppNote2526-紫外吸收法YY
K270 (olive oil) (橄欖油)0.00 – 4.00AppNote2527-紫外吸收法YY
Lead Cell Test 鉛 1)0.10 – 5.00 mg/l Pb1148336616雙硫腙法YYY
Lead Test 鉛 1)0.010 – 5.00 mg/l Pb10971716010, 20, 50雙硫腙法YYY
Magnesium Cell Test 鎂 1)5.0 – 75.0 mg/l Mg10081515816酞紫法YYY
Manganese Cell Test 錳 1)0.10 – 5.00 mg/l Mn10081615916甲醛肟法YYY
Manganese Test 錳 1)0.010 – 10.00 mg/l Mn1147701910, 20, 50甲醛肟法YYY
Manganese Test 錳 1)0.005 – 2.00 mg/l Mn10184622610, 20, 50PAN法YYY
Mercury in water and wastewater 汞0.025 – 1.000 mg/l HgAppNote135-米氏酮法YYY
Molybdenum Cell Test 鉬0.02 – 1.00 mg/l Mo10086017516溴鄰苯三酚紅法YYY
Molybdenum Test 鉬0.5 – 45.00 mg/l Mo11925220620巰基乙酸法YYY
Monochloramine Test 單氯胺0.050 – 10.00 mg/l Cl 210163218510, 20, 50靛藍法YYY
Nickel - EBC 鎳 2)0.00 – 5.00 mg/l NiAppNote2614-丁二酮肟法YYY
Nickel Cell Test 鎳 1)0.10 – 6.00 mg/l Ni1145541716丁二酮肟法YYY
Nickel Test 鎳 1)0.02 – 5.00 mg/l Ni1147851810, 20, 50丁二酮肟法YYY
Nickel Bath 鎳(電鍍槽)2.0 – 120 g/l NiAppNote57-比色法YYY
Nitrate Cell Test 硝酸鹽 1)0.5 – 18.0 mg/l NO 3 -N1145425916安息香酸衍生物法YYY
Nitrate Cell Test 硝酸鹽 1)0.5 – 25.0 mg/l NO 3 -N1145633016酚二磺酸法YYY
Nitrate Cell Test 硝酸鹽 1)1.0 – 50.0 mg/l NO 3 -N11476410716酚二磺酸法YYY
Nitrate Cell Test 硝酸鹽 1)23 – 225 mg/l NO 3 -N10061415116酚二磺酸法YYY
Nitrate Test 硝酸鹽 1)0.2 – 20.0 mg/l NO 3 -N1147736010, 20安息香酸衍生物法YYY
Nitrate Cell Test 硝酸鹽 1)0.10 – 25.0 mg/l NO 3 -N10971313910, 20, 50酚二磺酸法YYY
Nitrate Cell Test in sea water 硝酸鹽(海水) 1)0.10 – 3.00 mg/l NO 3 -N1145567216間苯二酚法YYY
Nitrate Cell Test in sea water 硝酸鹽(海水) 1)0.2 – 17.0 mg/l NO 3 -N11494214010間苯二酚法YYY
硝酸鹽0.3 – 30.0 mg/l NO 3 -N10184222750還原/苯甲酸衍生物法YYY
Nitrate (UV) 硝酸鹽0.0 – 7.0 mg/l NO 3 -NAppNote2503-紫外吸收法YY
Nitrite Cell Test 亞硝酸鹽 1)0.010 – 0.700 mg/l NO 2 -N1145473516格裡斯反應法YYY
Nitrite Cell Test 亞硝酸鹽 1)1.0 – 90.0 mg/l NO 2 -N10060919716鐵(II)-乙二胺硫酸法YYY
Nitrite Test 亞硝酸鹽 1)0.002 – 1.00 mg/l NO 2 -N1147763610, 20, 50格裡斯反應法YYY
Nitrogen (total) Cell Test 總氮0.5 – 15.0 mg/l N1145376816過硫酸鉀氧化/安息香酸衍生物法YYY
Nitrogen (total) Cell Test 總氮0.5 – 15.0 mg/l N10061315316過硫酸鉀氧化/安息香酸衍生物法YYY
Nitrogen (total) Cell Test 總氮10 – 150 mg/l N11476310816過硫酸鉀氧化/安息香酸衍生物法YYY
Oils - see K (olive oil), delta K (olive oil), Carotene (palm oil) or DOBI (palm oil)
Oxygen Cell Test 溶氧 1)0.5 – 12.0 mg/l O 211469492溫克勒修正法YYY
Oxygen Scavengers Test 除氧劑0.020 – 0.500 mg/l DEHA11925120720鐵還原法YYY
Ozone Test 臭氧 1)0.010 – 4.00 mg/l O 310060714810, 20, 50S-DPD法YYY
Palladium in water and wastewater 鈀0.05 – 1.25 mg/l PdAppNote133-硫代米蚩酮法YYY
2,3-Pentandion - see Vicinal Diketones
pH Cell Test6.4-8.810174418616酚紅法YYY
Phaeophytin (DIN/ISO) / (APHA/ASTM) - see Chlorophyll-a (DIN/ISO) or (APHA/ASTM)
Phenol Cell Test 酚 1)0.10 – 2.50 mg/l C 6 H 5 OH1145517316MBTH法YYY
Phenol Test 酚 1)0.025 – 5.00 mg/l C 6 H 5 OH10085617610,20,504-氨基安替比林法YYY
Phenol Test 酚 1)0.002 – 0.100 mg/lC 6 H 5 OH10085617720萃取後4-氨基安替比林法YYY
Phenols, steam-volatile - see steam-volatiles Phenols
Phosphate Cell Test 磷酸鹽0.05 – 5.00 mg/l PO 4 -P10047421216鉬藍法YYY
Phosphate Cell Test 磷酸鹽0.05 – 5.00 mg/l PO 4 -P1145435516鉬藍法YYY
Phosphate Cell Test 總磷0.05 – 5.00 mg/l P1145435516
Phosphate Cell Test 磷酸鹽0.5 – 25.0 mg/l PO 4 -P10047521316鉬藍法YYY
Phosphate Cell Test 磷酸鹽0.5 – 25.0 mg/l PO 4 -P1147298616鉬藍法YYY
Phosphate Cell Test 總磷0.5 – 25.0 mg/l P1147298616鉬藍法
Phosphate Cell Test 磷酸鹽3.0 – 100.0 mg/l PO 4 -P10061615216鉬藍法YYY
Phosphate Cell Test 磷酸鹽3.0 – 100.0 mg/l PO 4 -P10067321416鉬藍法YYY
Phosphate Cell Test 總磷3.0 – 100.0 mg/l P10067321416鉬藍法
Phosphate Test 磷酸鹽0.010 – 5.00 mg/l PO 4 -P1148485610,20,50,100 4)鉬藍法YYY
Phosphate Test 磷酸鹽1.0 – 100.0 mg/l PO 4 -P10079816210鉬藍法YYY
Phosphate Cell Test 磷酸鹽 1)0.5 – 25.0 mg/l PO 4 -P1145466916鉬酸銨法YYY
Phosphate Test 磷酸鹽 1)0.5 – 30.0 mg/l PO 4 -P1148427010,20鉬酸銨法YYY
Photometric iodine test - see Iodine Test, photometric
Platinum 鉑(水和廢水中)0.10 – 1.25 mg/l PtAppNote134-鄰苯二胺法YYY
Potassium Cell Test 鉀5.0 – 50.0 mg/l K11456210316比濁法YYY
Potassium Cell Test 鉀30 – 300 mg/l K10061515016比濁法YYY
Reducing Power 抗氧化活性 2)0 – 100 %AppNote2617-DPI法YYY
Residual Hardness Cell Test 殘留硬度 1)0.50 – 5.00 mg/l Ca1146839816紫酞法YYY
Silicate (Silicic acid) Test 矽酸鹽 1)0.11 – 10.70 mg/l SiO 211479479 矽鉬藍法YYY
Silicate (Silicic acid) Test 矽酸鹽0.011 – 1.600 mg/l SiO 21147948150矽鉬藍法YYY
Silicate (Silicic acid) Test 矽酸鹽 1)1.1 – 107.0 mg/l SiO 210085716910矽鉬藍法YYY
Silicate (Silicic acid) Test 矽酸鹽 1)11 – 1070 mg/l SiO 210085717110矽鉬藍法YYY
Silicate (Silicic acid) Test 矽酸鹽0.0005 – 0.5000 mg/l SiO 210181322550,100 4)矽鉬藍法YYY
Silver Test 銀 1)0.25 – 3.00 mg/l Ag1148314710,20曙紅/鄰菲羅啉法YYY
Sodium Cell Test in nutrient solutions 1)
10 – 300 mg/l Na10088516816間接測氯法YYY
光譜吸收係數α(254)0.5 – 250 m-1AppNote300-254nm處測試YY
光譜吸收係數α(436)0.5 – 250 m-1AppNote302-436nm處測試YYY
光譜吸收係數μ(254) 1)0.5 – 250 m-1AppNote301-254nm處測試YY
Steam-volatiles Phenols - malt 2)
揮發酚-麥芽汁 2)
0.00 – 3.00 mg/kgAppNote2621-萃取後4-氨基安替比林法YYY
Steam-volatiles Phenols - malt 2)
揮發酚-麥芽汁 2)
0.00 – 3.00 mg/kgAppNote2621-萃取後4-氨基安替比林法YYY
Steam-volatiles Phenols - malt 2)
揮發酚-麥芽汁 2)
0.00 – 3.00 mg/kgAppNote2622-萃取後4-氨基安替比林法YYY
Steam-volatiles Phenols - malt 2)
揮發酚-麥芽汁 2)
0.00 – 3.00 mg/kgAppNote2622-萃取後4-氨基安替比林法YYY
Sugar solutions, Color of - see ICUMSA Color
Sulfate Cell Test 硫酸鹽1.0 – 50.0 mg/l SO 410253222916硫酸鋇比濁法YYY
Sulfate Cell Test 硫酸鹽5 – 250 mg/l SO 41145486416硫酸鋇比濁法YYY
Sulfate Cell Test 硫酸鹽50 – 500 mg/l SO 410061715416硫酸鋇比濁法YYY
Sulfate Cell Test 硫酸鹽100 – 1,000 mg/l SO 41145648216硫酸鋇比濁法YYY
Sulfate Test 硫酸鹽 1)25 – 300 mg/l SO 41147916510Tannin法YYY
Sulfate Test 硫酸鹽0.50 – 50.0 mg/l SO 410181222410,20,50硫酸鋇比濁法YYY
Sulfate Test 硫酸鹽5 – 300 mg/l SO 410253723010,20,50硫酸鋇比濁法YYY
Sulfide Test 硫化物 1)0.020 – 1.50 mg/l S1147798010,20,50亞甲基藍法YYY
Sulfite Cell Test 亞硫酸鹽 1)1.0 – 20.0 mg/l SO 31143947116埃爾曼試劑法YYY
Sulfite Cell Test 亞硫酸鹽低濃度0.05 – 3.00 mg/l SO 311439412750埃爾曼試劑法YYY
Sulfite Test 亞硫酸鹽 1)1.0 – 60.0 mg/l SO 310174618710埃爾曼試劑法YYY
Surfactants (anionic) Cell Test
0.05 – 2.00 mg/l MBAS10255223116亞甲基藍法YYY
Surfactants (cationic) Cell Test 1)
0.05 – 1.50 mg/l k–Ten10176419216磺醯藍染料法YYY
Surfactants (nonionic) Cell Test 1)
0.10 – 7.50 mg/l n–Ten10178719316TBPE法YYY
Suspended Solids 懸浮物 S.S.25 – 750 mg/lAppNote182-光度法YYY
Thiobarbituric Acid Number
硫代巴比妥酸值 2)
0 – 250AppNote2619-硫代巴比妥酸法YYY
Tin Cell Test 錫 1)0.10 – 2.50 mg/l Sn11462210016鄰苯二酚紫法YYY
TOC Cell Test 總有機碳5.0 – 80.0 mg/l TOC11487817216過硫酸鉀氧化/指示法YYY
TOC Cell Test 總有機碳50 – 800 mg/l TOC11487917316過硫酸鉀氧化/指示法YYY
Total Carbohydrates 總碳水化合物 2)0.000 – 6.000 g/100 mlAppNote2625-蒽酮法YYY
Total Hardness Cell Test 總硬度5 – 215 mg/l Ca10096117816酞紫法YYY
Total Polyphenols 總多酚 2)1 – 800 mg/lAppNote2610-鐵(III)法YYY
Turbidity 濁度1 – 100 FAUAppNote77-550nm處測試YYY
Vicinal Diketones 聯二酮 2)0.00 – 1.00 mg/kgAppNote2620-苯二胺法YYY
Volatile Organic Acids Cell Test 1)
50 – 3,000 mg/l CH 3 COOH10174922216酯化法YYY
Volatile Organic Acids Test 1)
50 – 3,000 mg/l CH 3 COOH10180922316酯化法YYY
Zinc Cell Test 鋅0.025 – 1.000 mg/l Zn10086117416雙硫腙法YYY
Zinc Cell Test 鋅0.20 – 5.00 mg/l Zn1145667416雙硫腙法YYY
Zinc Test 鋅 1)0.05 – 2.50 mg/l Zn1148324110Cl–PAN法YYY
4)Prove 600專用的100mm比色皿
Y : 可執行分析項目

行業應用:■ 啤酒行業 ■ 水和廢水應用型分析方法 ■ ICUMSA(國際糖分析統一方法委員會)和油脂分析方法


Acid Capacity Cell Test to pH 4.3
(total alkalinity) 總鹼度
0.40 – 8.00 mmol/l101758指示反應YY
Aluminium Cell Test 鋁0.02 – 0.50 mg/l Al100594鉻天青-S法YY
Aluminium Test 鋁0.02 – 1.20 mg/l Al114825鉻天青-S法Y
Ammonium Cell Test 氨(氮)0.010 – 2.000 mg/l NH 4 -N114739水楊酸法YY
Ammonium Cell Test 氨(氮)0.2 – 8.00 mg/l NH 4 -N114558水楊酸法YY
Ammonium Cell Test 氨(氮)0.5 – 16.0 mg/l NH 4 -N114544水楊酸法YY
Ammonium Cell Test 氨(氮)4.0 – 80.0 mg/l NH 4 -N114559水楊酸法YY
Ammonium Test 氨(氮)0.010– 3.00 mg/l NH 4 -N114752水楊酸法Y
Ammonium Test 氨(氮)2.0 – 75.0 mg/l NH 4 -N100683水楊酸法Y
Ammonium Test 氨(氮)5 – 150 mg/l NH 4 -N100683水楊酸法Y
Antimony 銻(水和廢水中)0.10 – 8.00 mg/l SbAppNote煌綠法Y
AOX Cell Test 吸附性有機鹵素0.05 – 2.50 mg/l AOX100675氧化氯化法YY
Arsenic Test 砷0.001 –0.100 mg/l As101747二乙基二硫代氨基甲酸銀法Y
BOD Cell Test 生化需氧量0.5 – 3,000 mg/l BOD100687溫克勒水中氧定量YY
Boron Cell Test 硼0.05 – 2.00 mg/l B100826甲亞胺-H法Y
Boron Test 硼0.050 – 0.800 mg/l B114839薑黃素法Y
Bromate 水中及飲用水溴酸鹽0.003 – 0.120 mg/l BrO 3AppNote3,3二甲基萘啶法Y
Bromine Test 溴0.020 – 10.00 mg/l Br 2100605S-DPD法Y
Cadmium Cell Test 鎘0.025 – 1.000 mg/l Cd114834鎘試劑衍生物法YY
Cadmium Test 鎘0.0020 – 0.500 mg/l Cd101745鎘試劑衍生物法Y
Calcium Cell Test 鈣10 – 250 mg/l Ca100858酞紫法YY
Calcium Test 鈣5 – 160 mg/l Ca114815乙二醛縮-鄰氨基苯酚法Y
Calcium Test 低濃度鈣1.0 – 15.0 mg/l Ca114815乙二醛縮-鄰氨基苯酚法Y
Calcium Test 鈣 3)0.20 – 4.00 mg/l Ca100049酞衍生物Y
Chloride Cell Test 氯離子5 – 125 mg/l Cl114730鐵(III)-硫氰酸鹽法YY
Chloride Test 氯離子2.5 – 25.0 mg/l Cl114897鐵(III)-硫氰酸鹽法Y
Chloride Test 氯離子10 – 250 mg/l Cl114897鐵(III)-硫氰酸鹽法Y
Chloride Cell Test氯離子0.5 – 15.0 mg/l Cl101804鐵(III)-硫氰酸鹽法YY
Chloride Test 氯離子0.10 – 5.00 mg/l Cl101807鐵(III)-硫氰酸鹽法Y
Chlorine Cell Test (free chlorine) 餘氯0.03 – 6.00 mg/l Cl 2100595DPD法YY
Chlorine Cell Test (free chlorine +
total chlorine) 餘氯和總氯
0.03 – 6.00 mg/l Cl 2100597DPD法YY
Chlorine Test (free chlorine) 餘氯0.01 – 6.00 mg/l Cl 2100598DPD法Y
Chlorine Test (total chlorine) 總氯0.01 – 6.00 mg/l Cl 2100602DPD法Y
Chlorine Cell Test (free chlorine +
total chlorine) 餘氯和總氯
0.01 – 6.00 mg/l Cl 2100599DPD法Y
Chlorine Cell Test (free chlorine +
total chlorine) 餘氯和總氯
0.03 – 6.00 mg/l Cl 2100597DPD法Y
Chlorine Test (free chlorine +
total chlorine) 餘氯和總氯
0.01 – 6.00 mg/l Cl 2100599DPD法Y
Chlorine Dioxide Test 二氧化氯0.02 – 10.00 mg/l ClO 2100608DPD法Y
Chromate Cell Test 鉻0.05 – 2.00 mg/l Cr114552二苯碳醯二肼法YY
Chromate Cell Test
(total chromium) 鉻和總鉻
0.05 – 2.00 mg/l Cr114552過硫酸鹽氧化-二苯碳醯二肼法YY
Chromate Test 鉻0.010 – 3.00 mg/l Cr114758二苯碳醯二肼法Y
Chromium Baths 鉻(電鍍槽)4.0 – 400 g/l CrO 3AppNote比色法YY
Cobalt in water 鈷(水和廢水中)0.5 – 10.0 mg/l CoAppNote亞硝基-R鹽法Y
COD 化學需氧量4.0 – 40.0 mg/l COD114560重鉻酸鹽法YY
COD 化學需氧量5.0 – 80.0 mg/l COD101796重鉻酸鹽法YY
COD 化學需氧量10 – 150 mg/l COD114540重鉻酸鹽法YY
COD 化學需氧量15 – 300 mg/l COD114895重鉻酸鹽法YY
COD 化學需氧量50 – 500 mg/l COD114690重鉻酸鹽法YY
COD 化學需氧量25 – 1,500 mg/l COD114541重鉻酸鹽法YY
COD 化學需氧量300 – 3,500 mg/l COD114691重鉻酸鹽法YY
COD 化學需氧量500 – 10,000 mg/l COD114555重鉻酸鹽法YY
COD 化學需氧量5,000 – 90,000 mg/l COD101797重鉻酸鹽法YY
COD 化學需氧量(無汞配方)10 – 150 mg/l COD109772重鉻酸鹽法YY
COD 化學需氧量(無汞配方)100 – 1,500 mg/l COD109773重鉻酸鹽法YY
COD 化學需氧量(海水/高氯廢水)5.0 – 60.0 mg/l COD117058重鉻酸鹽法YY
COD 化學需氧量(海水/高氯廢水)50 – 3,000 mg/l COD117059重鉻酸鹽法YY
Color 色度(410)(EN 7887)2 – 2,500 mg/l PtAppNote410nm處測試Y
Color 色度 Hazen 0.2 – 500 mg/l Pt/Co (Hazen)AppNote鈷鉑比色法,340nmY
Color 色度 Hazen 0 – 1,000 mg/l Pt/Co (Hazen)AppNote鈷鉑比色法,445nmY
Copper Cell Test 銅0.05 – 8.00 mg/l Cu114553銅試劑法YY
Copper Test 銅0.02 – 6.00 mg/l Cu114767銅試劑法Y
Copper Baths 銅(電鍍槽)2.0 – 80.0 g/l CuAppNote比色法YY
Cyanide Cell Test (free cyanide) 氰化物0.010 – 0.500 mg/l CN102531吡啶-巴比妥酸法Y
Cyanide Cell Test (free cyanide)
0.010 – 0.500 mg/l CN114561吡啶-巴比妥酸法YY
Cyanide Test (free cyanide)
0.0020 – 0.500 mg/l CN109701吡啶-巴比妥酸法Y
Cyanuric Acid Test 氰尿酸2 – 160 mg/l Cyan Acid119253三嗪衍生物法Y
Fluoride Cell Test 氟化物0.10 – 1.80 mg/l F100809茜素磺酸鋯法Y
Fluoride Cell Test sensitive 氟化物低濃度0.025 – 0.500 mg/l F100809茜素磺酸鋯法Y
Fluoride Test 氟化物0.02 – 2.00 mg/l F100822SPADNS法Y
Formaldehyde Cell Test 甲醛0.10 – 8.00 mg/l HCHO114500變色酸法YY
Formaldehyde Test 甲醛0.02 – 8.00 mg/l HCHO114678變色酸法Y
Gold Test 金0.5 – 12.0 mg/l Au114821羅丹明-B法Y
Hydrazine Test 聯氨0.005 – 2.00 mg/l N 2 H 41097114 -二甲氨基苯甲醛法Y
Hydrogen Peroxide Cell Test 過氧化氫2.0 – 20.0 mg/l H 2 O 2114731硫酸氧鈦法Y
Hydrogen Peroxide Cell Test
0.25 – 5.00 mg/l H 2 O 2114731硫酸氧鈦法Y
Hydrogen Peroxide Test 過氧化氫0.015 – 6.00 mg/l H 2 O 2118789鄰菲囉啉衍生物法Y
Iodine Test 碘0.050 – 10.00 mg/l I 2100606S-DPD法Y
Iron Cell Test 鐵0.05 – 4.00 mg/l Fe114549三嗪衍生物法YY
Iron Cell Test 鐵1.0 – 50.0 mg/l Fe1148962,2’-聯吡啶法YY
Iron Test 鐵0.005 – 5.00 mg/l Fe114761三嗪法Y
Iron Test 鐵0.010 – 5.00 mg/l Fe100796鄰菲囉啉法Y
Lead Cell Test 鉛0.10 – 5.00 mg/l Pb114833雙硫腙法YY
Lead Test 鉛0.010 – 5.00 mg/l Pb109717雙硫腙法Y
Magnesium Cell Test 鎂5.0 – 75.0 mg/l Mg100815酞紫法YY
Manganese Cell Test 錳0.10 – 5.00 mg/l Mn100816甲醛肟法YY
Manganese Test 錳0.010 – 10.00 mg/l Mn114770甲醛肟法Y
Manganese Test 錳0.005 – 2.00 mg/l Mn101846PAN法Y
Molybdenum Cell Test 鉬0.02 – 1.00 mg/l Mo100860溴鄰苯三酚紅法Y
Molybdenum Test 鉬0.5 – 45.00 mg/l Mo119252巰基乙酸法Y
Monochloramine Test 單氯胺0.050 – 10.00 mg/l Cl 2101632靛藍法Y
Nickel Cell Test 鎳0.10 – 6.00 mg/l Ni114554丁二酮肟法YY
Nickel Test 鎳0.02 – 5.00 mg/l Ni114785丁二酮肟法Y
Nitrate Cell Test 硝酸鹽0.5 – 18.0 mg/l NO 3 -N114542安息香酸衍生物法YY
Nitrate Cell Test 硝酸鹽0.5 – 25.0 mg/l NO 3 -N114563酚二磺酸法YY
Nitrate Cell Test 硝酸鹽1.0 – 50.0 mg/l NO 3 -N114764酚二磺酸法YY
Nitrate Cell Test 硝酸鹽23 – 225 mg/l NO 3 -N100614酚二磺酸法YY
Nitrate Test 硝酸鹽0.2 – 20.0 mg/l NO 3 -N114773安息香酸衍生物法Y
Nitrate Cell Test 硝酸鹽0.10 – 25.0 mg/l NO 3 -N109713酚二磺酸法Y
Nitrate Cell Test in sea water 硝酸鹽(海水)0.10 – 3.00 mg/l NO 3 -N114556間苯二酚法Y
Nitrate Cell Test in sea water 硝酸鹽(海水)0.2 – 17.0 mg/l NO 3 -N114942間苯二酚法Y
硝酸鹽0.3 – 30.0 mg/l NO 3 -N101842還原/苯甲酸衍生物法Y
Nitrite Cell Test 亞硝酸鹽0.010 – 0.700 mg/l NO 2 -N114547格裡斯反應法YY
Nitrite Cell Test 亞硝酸鹽1.0 – 90.0 mg/l NO 2 -N100609鐵(II)-乙二胺硫酸法YY
Nitrite Test 亞硝酸鹽0.002 – 1.00 mg/l NO 2 -N114776格裡斯反應法Y
Nitrogen (total) Cell Test 總氮0.5 – 15.0 mg/l N114537過硫酸鉀氧化/安息香酸衍生物法YY
Nitrogen (total) Cell Test 總氮0.5 – 15.0 mg/l N100613過硫酸鉀氧化/安息香酸衍生物法YY
Nitrogen (total) Cell Test 總氮10 – 150 mg/l N114763過硫酸鉀氧化/安息香酸衍生物法YY
Oxygen Cell Test 溶氧0.5 – 12.0 mg/l O 2114694溫克勒修正法YY
Oxygen Scavengers Test 除氧劑0.020 – 0.500 mg/l DEHA119251鐵還原法Y
Ozone Test 臭氧0.010 – 4.00 mg/l O 3100607S-DPD法Y
pH Cell Test6.4-8.8101744酚紅法YY
Phenol Cell Test 酚0.10 – 2.50 mg/l C 6 H 5 OH114551MBTH法Y
Phenol Test 酚0.025 – 5.00 mg/l C 6 H 5 OH1008564-氨基安替比林法Y
Phenol Test 酚0.002 – 0.100 mg/lC 6 H 5 OH100856萃取後4-氨基安替比林法Y
Phosphate Cell Test 磷酸鹽0.05 – 5.00 mg/l PO 4 -P100474鉬藍法YY
Phosphate Cell Test 磷酸鹽0.05 – 5.00 mg/l PO 4 -P114543鉬藍法YY
Phosphate Cell Test 磷酸鹽0.5 – 25.0 mg/l PO 4 -P100475鉬藍法YY
Phosphate Cell Test 磷酸鹽0.5 – 25.0 mg/l PO 4 -P114729鉬藍法YY
Phosphate Cell Test 磷酸鹽3.0 – 100.0 mg/l PO 4 -P100616鉬藍法YY
Phosphate Cell Test 磷酸鹽3.0 – 100.0 mg/l PO 4 -P100673鉬藍法YY
Phosphate Test 磷酸鹽0.010 – 5.00 mg/l PO 4 -P114848鉬藍法Y
Phosphate Test 磷酸鹽1.0 – 100.0 mg/l PO 4 -P100798鉬藍法Y
Phosphate Cell Test 磷酸鹽0.5 – 25.0 mg/l PO 4 -P114546鉬酸銨法YY
Phosphate Test 磷酸鹽0.5 – 30.0 mg/l PO 4 -P114842鉬酸銨法Y
Potassium Cell Test 鉀5.0 – 50.0 mg/l K114562比濁法YY
Potassium Cell Test 鉀30 – 300 mg/l K100615比濁法YY
Residual Hardness Cell Test 殘留硬度0.50 – 5.00 mg/l Ca114683紫酞法YY
Silicate (Silicic acid) Test 矽酸鹽0.11 – 10.70 mg/l SiO 2114794矽鉬藍法Y
Silicate (Silicic acid) Test 矽酸鹽0.011 – 1.600 mg/l SiO 2114794矽鉬藍法Y
Silicate (Silicic acid) Test 矽酸鹽1.1 – 107.0 mg/l SiO 2100857矽鉬藍法Y
Silicate (Silicic acid) Test 矽酸鹽11 – 1070 mg/l SiO 2100857矽鉬藍法Y
Silicate (Silicic acid) Test 矽酸鹽0.0005 – 0.5000 mg/l SiO 2101813矽鉬藍法Y
Silver Test 銀0.25 – 3.00 mg/l Ag114831曙紅/鄰菲羅啉法Y
Sodium Cell Test in nutrient solutions
10 – 300 mg/l Na100885間接測氯法YY
Sulfate Cell Test 硫酸鹽1.0 – 50.0 mg/l SO 4102532硫酸鋇比濁法Y
Sulfate Cell Test 硫酸鹽5 – 250 mg/l SO 4114548硫酸鋇比濁法YY
Sulfate Cell Test 硫酸鹽50 – 500 mg/l SO 4100617硫酸鋇比濁法YY
Sulfate Cell Test 硫酸鹽100 – 1,000 mg/l SO 4114564硫酸鋇比濁法YY
Sulfate Test 硫酸鹽25 – 300 mg/l SO 4114791Tannin法Y
Sulfate Test 硫酸鹽0.50 – 50.0 mg/l SO 4101812硫酸鋇比濁法Y
Sulfate Test 硫酸鹽5 – 300 mg/l SO 4102537硫酸鋇比濁法Y
Sulfide Test 硫化物0.020 – 1.50 mg/l S114779亞甲基藍法Y
Sulfite Cell Test 亞硫酸鹽1.0 – 20.0 mg/l SO 3114394埃爾曼試劑法Y
Sulfite Cell Test 亞硫酸鹽低濃度0.05 – 3.00 mg/l SO 3114394埃爾曼試劑法Y
Sulfite Test 亞硫酸鹽1.0 – 60.0 mg/l SO 3101746埃爾曼試劑法Y
Surfactants (anionic) Cell Test
0.05 – 2.00 mg/l MBAS102552亞甲基藍法Y
Surfactants (cationic) Cell Test
0.05 – 1.50 mg/l k–Ten101764磺醯藍染料法Y
Surfactants (nonionic) Cell Test
0.10 – 7.50 mg/l n–Ten101787TBPE法YY
Tin Cell Test 錫0.10 – 2.50 mg/l Sn114622鄰苯二酚紫法Y
TOC Cell Test 總有機碳5.0 – 80.0 mg/l TOC114878過硫酸鉀氧化/指示法YY
TOC Cell Test 總有機碳50 – 800 mg/l TOC114879過硫酸鉀氧化/指示法YY
Total Hardness Cell Test 總硬度5 – 215 mg/l Ca100961酞紫法YY
Volatile Organic Acids Cell Test
50 – 3,000 mg/l CH 3 COOH101749酯化法YY
Volatile Organic Acids Test
50 – 3,000 mg/l CH 3 COOH101809酯化法YY
Zinc Cell Test 鋅0.025 – 1.000 mg/l Zn100861雙硫腙法YY
Zinc Cell Test 鋅0.20 – 5.00 mg/l Zn114566雙硫腙法YY
Zinc Test 鋅0.05 – 2.50 mg/l Zn114832Cl–PAN法Y
Y : 可執行分析項目


Acid Capacity Cell Test to pH 4.3
(total alkalinity) 總鹼度
0.40 – 8.00 mmol/l10175810指示反應
Aluminium Cell Test 鋁0.05 – 0.50 mg/l Al10059421鉻天青-S法
Aluminium Test 鋁0.02 – 0.7 mg/l Al11482520鉻天青-S法
Ammonium Cell Test 氨(氮)0.010 – 2.000 mg/l NH 4 -N11473930水楊酸法
Ammonium Cell Test 氨(氮)0.2 – 8.00 mg/l NH 4 -N11455831水楊酸法
Ammonium Cell Test 氨(氮)4.0 – 80.0 mg/l NH 4 -N11455932水楊酸法
Ammonium Test 氨(氮)0.02– 1.30 mg/l NH 4 -N11475233水楊酸法
Ammonium Test 氨(氮)1.0 – 50.0 mg/l NH 4 -N10068334水楊酸法
AOX Cell Test 吸附性有機鹵素0.05 – 2.50 mg/l AOX10067540氧化氯化法
Arsenic Test 砷0.005 –0.100 mg/l As10174750二乙基二硫代氨基甲酸銀法
BOD Cell Test 生化需氧量0.5 – 3,000 mg/l BOD10068770溫克勒水中氧定量
Boron Cell Test 硼0.05 – 2.00 mg/l B10082680甲亞胺-H法
Bromine Test 溴0.10 – 5.00 mg/l Br 210060590S-DPD法
Cadmium Cell Test 鎘0.025 – 1.000 mg/l Cd114834100鎘試劑衍生物法
Cadmium Test 鎘0.005 – 0.500 mg/l Cd101745101鎘試劑衍生物法
Calcium Cell Test 鈣10 – 250 mg/l Ca100858110酞紫法
Calcium Test 鈣5 – 160 mg/l Ca114815111乙二醛縮-鄰氨基苯酚法
Chloride Cell Test 氯離子5 – 125 mg/l Cl114730120鐵(III)-硫氰酸鹽法
Chloride Test 氯離子10 – 250 mg/l Cl114897121鐵(III)-硫氰酸鹽法
Chlorine Cell Test (free chlorine) 餘氯0.03 – 6.00 mg/l Cl 2100595130DPD法
Chlorine Cell Test (free chlorine +
total chlorine) 餘氯和總氯
0.05 – 5.00 mg/l Cl 2100597130DPD法
Chlorine Test (free chlorine) 餘氯0.02 – 3.00 mg/l Cl 2100598131DPD法
Chlorine Test (total chlorine) 總氯0.02 – 3.00 mg/l Cl 2100602131DPD法
Chlorine Cell Test (free chlorine +
total chlorine) 餘氯和總氯
0.02 – 3.00 mg/l Cl 2100599131DPD法
Chlorine Cell Test (free chlorine +
total chlorine) 餘氯和總氯
0.03 – 6.00 mg/l Cl 2100597130DPD法
Chlorine Dioxide Test 二氧化氯0.1 – 5.00 mg/l ClO 2100608140DPD法
Chromate Cell Test 鉻0.05 – 2.00 mg/l Cr114552150二苯碳醯二肼法
Chromate Test 鉻0.010 – 1.40 mg/l Cr114758151二苯碳醯二肼法
COD 化學需氧量5.0 – 80.0 mg/l COD101796168重鉻酸鹽法
COD 化學需氧量10 – 150 mg/l COD114540160重鉻酸鹽法
COD 化學需氧量15 – 300 mg/l COD114895161重鉻酸鹽法
COD 化學需氧量50 – 500 mg/l COD114690162重鉻酸鹽法
COD 化學需氧量25 – 1,500 mg/l COD114541163重鉻酸鹽法
COD 化學需氧量300 – 3,500 mg/l COD114691164重鉻酸鹽法
COD 化學需氧量500 – 10,000 mg/l COD114555165重鉻酸鹽法
COD 化學需氧量5,000 – 90,000 mg/l COD101797169重鉻酸鹽法
COD 化學需氧量(無汞配方)10 – 150 mg/l COD109772166重鉻酸鹽法
COD 化學需氧量(無汞配方)100 – 1,500 mg/l COD109773167重鉻酸鹽法
Color 色度 Hazen 0 – 1,000 mg/l Pt/Co (Hazen)AppNote170鈷鉑比色法,445nm
Copper Cell Test 銅0.05 – 8.00 mg/l Cu114553180銅試劑法
Copper Test 銅0.1 – 6.00 mg/l Cu114767181銅試劑法
Cyanide Cell Test (free cyanide)
0.010 – 0.350 mg/l CN114561190吡啶-巴比妥酸法
Cyanide Test (free cyanide)
0.005 – 0.200 mg/l CN109701191吡啶-巴比妥酸法
Cyanuric Acid Test 氰尿酸2 – 160 mg/l Cyan Acid119253201三嗪衍生物法
Fluoride Cell Test 氟化物0.10 – 1.80 mg/l F114557220茜素磺酸鋯法
Fluoride Test 氟化物0.08 – 2.00 mg/l F114598221SPADNS法
Hydrazine Test 聯氨0.010 – 1.200 mg/l N 2 H 41097112304 -二甲氨基苯甲醛法
Hydrogen Peroxide Test 過氧化氫0.02 – 5.50 mg/l H 2 O 2118789560鄰菲囉啉衍生物法
Iodine Test 碘0.10 – 5.00 mg/l I 2100606240S-DPD法
Iron Cell Test 鐵0.05 – 4.00 mg/l Fe114549250三嗪衍生物法
Iron Test 鐵0.01 – 2.00 mg/l Fe114761251三嗪法
Iron Test 鐵0.10 – 5.00 mg/l Fe100796252鄰菲囉啉法
Lead Cell Test 鉛0.10 – 5.00 mg/l Pb114833260雙硫腙法
Lead Test 鉛0.05 – 5.00 mg/l Pb109717261雙硫腙法
Magnesium Cell Test 鎂5.0 – 75.0 mg/l Mg100815270酞紫法
Manganese Cell Test 錳0.10 – 5.00 mg/l Mn100816280甲醛肟法
Manganese Test 錳0.05 – 5.00 mg/l Mn101739281甲醛肟法
Manganese Test 錳0.05 – 1.80 mg/l Mn114770282PAN法
Molybdenum Cell Test 鉬0.02 – 1.00 mg/l Mo100860290溴鄰苯三酚紅法
Molybdenum Test 鉬0.5 – 45.00 mg/l Mo119252291巰基乙酸法
Monochloramine Test 單氯胺0.10 – 5.00 mg/l Cl 2101632300靛藍法
Nickel Cell Test 鎳0.10 – 6.00 mg/l Ni114554310丁二酮肟法
Nickel Test 鎳0.02 – 5.00 mg/l Ni114785311丁二酮肟法
Nitrate Cell Test 硝酸鹽0.5 – 15.0 mg/l NO 3 -N114542320安息香酸衍生物法
Nitrate Test 硝酸鹽0.5 – 15.0 mg/l NO 3 -N114773321安息香酸衍生物法
Nitrate Cell Test in sea water 硝酸鹽(海水)0.10 – 3.00 mg/l NO 3 -N114556322間苯二酚法
Nitrite Cell Test 亞硝酸鹽0.010 – 0.700 mg/l NO 2 -N114547330格裡斯反應法
Nitrite Cell Test 亞硝酸鹽1.0 – 90.0 mg/l NO 2 -N100609332鐵(II)-乙二胺硫酸法
Nitrite Test 亞硝酸鹽0.005 – 0.400 mg/l NO 2 -N114776331格裡斯反應法
Nitrogen (total) Cell Test 總氮0.5 – 15.0 mg/l N114537340過硫酸鉀氧化/安息香酸衍生物法
Oxygen Cell Test 溶氧0.5 – 12.0 mg/l O 2114694550溫克勒修正法
Oxygen Scavengers Test 除氧劑0.020 – 0.500 mg/l DEHA119251555鐵還原法
Ozone Test 臭氧0.02 – 2.0 mg/l O 3100607350S-DPD法
pH Cell Test6.4-8.8101744360酚紅法
Phenol Cell Test 酚0.10 – 2.50 mg/l C 6 H 5 OH114551370MBTH法
Phenol Test 酚0.1 – 5.00 mg/l C 6 H 5 OH1008563714-氨基安替比林法
Phosphate Cell Test 磷酸鹽0.05 – 4.00 mg/l PO 4 -P114543380鉬藍法
Phosphate Cell Test 磷酸鹽0.5 – 20.0 mg/l PO 4 -P114729381鉬藍法
Phosphate Cell Test 磷酸鹽3.0 – 100.0 mg/l PO 4 -P100616382鉬藍法
Phosphate Test 磷酸鹽0.010 – 5.00 mg/l PO 4 -P114848383鉬藍法
Phosphate Test 磷酸鹽1.0 – 60.0 mg/l PO 4 -P100798384鉬藍法
Phosphate Cell Test 磷酸鹽0.5 – 25.0 mg/l PO 4 -P114546386鉬酸銨法
Phosphate Test 磷酸鹽0.5 – 30.0 mg/l PO 4 -P114842385鉬酸銨法
Potassium Cell Test 鉀5.0 – 50.0 mg/l K114562400比濁法
Potassium Cell Test 鉀30 – 300 mg/l K100615401比濁法
Residual Hardness Cell Test 殘留硬度0.50 – 5.00 mg/l Ca114683410紫酞法
Silicate (Silicic acid) Test 矽酸鹽0.11 – 8.56 mg/l SiO 2114794420矽鉬藍法
Silicate (Silicic acid) Test 矽酸鹽11 – 1070 mg/l SiO 2100857421矽鉬藍法
Sodium Cell Test in nutrient solutions
10 – 300 mg/l Na100885430間接測氯法
Sulfate Cell Test 硫酸鹽5 – 250 mg/l SO 4114548440硫酸鋇比濁法
Sulfate Cell Test 硫酸鹽50 – 500 mg/l SO 4100617441硫酸鋇比濁法
Sulfate Cell Test 硫酸鹽100 – 1,000 mg/l SO 4114564442硫酸鋇比濁法
Sulfide Test 硫化物0.10 – 1.50 mg/l S114779450亞甲基藍法
Sulfite Cell Test 亞硫酸鹽1.0 – 20.0 mg/l SO 3114394460埃爾曼試劑法
Sulfite Test 亞硫酸鹽1.0 – 60.0 mg/l SO 3101746461埃爾曼試劑法
Surfactants (anionic) Cell Test
0.05 – 2.00 mg/l MBAS102552470亞甲基藍法
Surfactants (cationic) Cell Test
0.05 – 1.50 mg/l k–Ten101764471磺醯藍染料法
Surfactants (nonionic) Cell Test
0.10 – 7.50 mg/l n–Ten101787472TBPE法
Suspended Solids 懸浮物 S.S.50 – 750 mg/l AppNote480光度法
Tin Cell Test 錫0.10 – 2.50 mg/l Sn114622490鄰苯二酚紫法
TOC Cell Test 總有機碳5.0 – 80.0 mg/l TOC114878500過硫酸鉀氧化/指示法
TOC Cell Test 總有機碳50 – 800 mg/l TOC114879501過硫酸鉀氧化/指示法
Total Hardness Cell Test 總硬度5 – 215 mg/l Ca100961510酞紫法
Turbidity 濁度1 – 100 FAUAppNote520550nm處測試
Volatile Organic Acids Cell Test
50 – 3,000 mg/l CH 3 COOH101749酯化法
Volatile Organic Acids Test
50 – 3,000 mg/l CH 3 COOH101809酯化法
Zinc Cell Test 鋅0.025 – 1.000 mg/l Zn100861540雙硫腙法
Zinc Cell Test 鋅0.20 – 5.00 mg/l Zn114566541雙硫腙法
A430 nm-2.600 – 2.600 A600
A530 nm-2.600 – 2.600 A610
A560 nm-2.600 – 2.600 A620
A580 nm-2.600 – 2.600 A630
A610 nm-2.600 – 2.600 A640
A660 nm-2.600 – 2.600 A650


Acid Capacity Cell Test to pH 4.3
(total alkalinity) 總鹼度
0.40 – 8.00 mmol/l10175810指示反應
Aluminium Cell Test 鋁0.05 – 0.50 mg/l Al10059421鉻天青-S法
Aluminium Test 鋁0.02 – 0.7 mg/l Al11482520鉻天青-S法
Ammonium Cell Test 氨(氮)0.010 – 2.000 mg/l NH 4 -N11473930水楊酸法
Ammonium Cell Test 氨(氮)0.2 – 8.00 mg/l NH 4 -N11455831水楊酸法
Ammonium Cell Test 氨(氮)4.0 – 80.0 mg/l NH 4 -N11455932水楊酸法
Ammonium Test 氨(氮)0.02– 1.30 mg/l NH 4 -N11475233水楊酸法
Ammonium Test 氨(氮)1.0 – 50.0 mg/l NH 4 -N10068334水楊酸法
AOX Cell Test 吸附性有機鹵素0.05 – 2.50 mg/l AOX10067540氧化氯化法
Arsenic Test 砷0.005 –0.100 mg/l As10174750二乙基二硫代氨基甲酸銀法
BOD Cell Test 生化需氧量0.5 – 3,000 mg/l BOD10068770溫克勒水中氧定量
Boron Cell Test 硼0.05 – 2.00 mg/l B10082680甲亞胺-H法
Bromine Test 溴0.10 – 5.00 mg/l Br 210060590S-DPD法
Cadmium Cell Test 鎘0.025 – 1.000 mg/l Cd114834100鎘試劑衍生物法
Cadmium Test 鎘0.005 – 0.500 mg/l Cd101745101鎘試劑衍生物法
Calcium Test 鈣5 – 160 mg/l Ca114815111乙二醛縮-鄰氨基苯酚法
Chloride Cell Test 氯離子5 – 125 mg/l Cl114730120鐵(III)-硫氰酸鹽法
Chloride Test 氯離子10 – 250 mg/l Cl114897121鐵(III)-硫氰酸鹽法
Chlorine Cell Test (free chlorine) 餘氯0.03 – 6.00 mg/l Cl 2100595130DPD法
Chlorine Cell Test (free chlorine +
total chlorine) 餘氯和總氯
0.05 – 5.00 mg/l Cl 2100597130DPD法
Chlorine Test (free chlorine) 餘氯0.02 – 3.00 mg/l Cl 2100598131DPD法
Chlorine Test (total chlorine) 總氯0.02 – 3.00 mg/l Cl 2100602131DPD法
Chlorine Cell Test (free chlorine +
total chlorine) 餘氯和總氯
0.02 – 3.00 mg/l Cl 2100599131DPD法
Chlorine Cell Test (free chlorine +
total chlorine) 餘氯和總氯
0.03 – 6.00 mg/l Cl 2100597130DPD法
Chlorine Dioxide Test 二氧化氯0.1 – 5.00 mg/l ClO 2100608140DPD法
Chromate Cell Test 鉻0.05 – 2.00 mg/l Cr114552150二苯碳醯二肼法
Chromate Test 鉻0.010 – 1.40 mg/l Cr114758151二苯碳醯二肼法
COD 化學需氧量5.0 – 80.0 mg/l COD101796168重鉻酸鹽法
COD 化學需氧量10 – 150 mg/l COD114540160重鉻酸鹽法
COD 化學需氧量15 – 300 mg/l COD114895161重鉻酸鹽法
COD 化學需氧量50 – 500 mg/l COD114690162重鉻酸鹽法
COD 化學需氧量25 – 1,500 mg/l COD114541163重鉻酸鹽法
COD 化學需氧量300 – 3,500 mg/l COD114691164重鉻酸鹽法
COD 化學需氧量500 – 10,000 mg/l COD114555165重鉻酸鹽法
COD 化學需氧量5,000 – 90,000 mg/l COD101797169重鉻酸鹽法
COD 化學需氧量(無汞配方)10 – 150 mg/l COD109772166重鉻酸鹽法
COD 化學需氧量(無汞配方)100 – 1,500 mg/l COD109773167重鉻酸鹽法
Color 色度 Hazen 0 – 1,000 mg/l Pt/Co (Hazen)AppNote170鈷鉑比色法,445nm
Copper Cell Test 銅0.05 – 8.00 mg/l Cu114553180銅試劑法
Copper Test 銅0.1 – 6.00 mg/l Cu114767181銅試劑法
Cyanide Cell Test (free cyanide)
0.010 – 0.350 mg/l CN114561190吡啶-巴比妥酸法
Cyanide Test (free cyanide)
0.005 – 0.200 mg/l CN109701191吡啶-巴比妥酸法
Cyanuric Acid Test 氰尿酸2 – 160 mg/l Cyan Acid119253201三嗪衍生物法
Fluoride Cell Test 氟化物0.10 – 1.80 mg/l F114557220茜素磺酸鋯法
Fluoride Test 氟化物0.08 – 2.00 mg/l F114598221SPADNS法
Hydrazine Test 聯氨0.010 – 1.200 mg/l N 2 H 41097112304 -二甲氨基苯甲醛法
Iodine Test 碘0.10 – 5.00 mg/l I 2100606240S-DPD法
Iron Cell Test 鐵0.05 – 4.00 mg/l Fe114549250三嗪衍生物法
Iron Test 鐵0.01 – 2.00 mg/l Fe114761251三嗪法
Iron Test 鐵0.10 – 5.00 mg/l Fe100796252鄰菲囉啉法
Lead Cell Test 鉛0.10 – 5.00 mg/l Pb114833260雙硫腙法
Lead Test 鉛0.05 – 5.00 mg/l Pb109717261雙硫腙法
Magnesium Cell Test 鎂5.0 – 75.0 mg/l Mg100815270酞紫法
Manganese Cell Test 錳0.10 – 5.00 mg/l Mn100816280甲醛肟法
Manganese Test 錳0.05 – 5.00 mg/l Mn101739281甲醛肟法
Manganese Test 錳0.05 – 1.80 mg/l Mn114770282PAN法
Molybdenum Test 鉬0.5 – 45.00 mg/l Mo119252291巰基乙酸法
Monochloramine Test 單氯胺0.10 – 5.00 mg/l Cl 2101632300靛藍法
Nickel Cell Test 鎳0.10 – 6.00 mg/l Ni114554310丁二酮肟法
Nickel Test 鎳0.02 – 5.00 mg/l Ni114785311丁二酮肟法
Nitrate Cell Test 硝酸鹽0.5 – 15.0 mg/l NO 3 -N114542320安息香酸衍生物法
Nitrate Test 硝酸鹽0.5 – 15.0 mg/l NO 3 -N114773321安息香酸衍生物法
Nitrite Cell Test 亞硝酸鹽0.010 – 0.700 mg/l NO 2 -N114547330格裡斯反應法
Nitrite Test 亞硝酸鹽0.005 – 0.400 mg/l NO 2 -N114776331格裡斯反應法
Nitrogen (total) Cell Test 總氮0.5 – 15.0 mg/l N114537340過硫酸鉀氧化/安息香酸衍生物法
Oxygen Cell Test 溶氧0.5 – 12.0 mg/l O 2114694550溫克勒修正法
Ozone Test 臭氧0.02 – 2.0 mg/l O 3100607350S-DPD法
pH Cell Test6.4-8.8101744360酚紅法
Phenol Cell Test 酚0.10 – 2.50 mg/l C 6 H 5 OH114551370MBTH法
Phenol Test 酚0.1 – 5.00 mg/l C 6 H 5 OH1008563714-氨基安替比林法
Phosphate Cell Test 磷酸鹽0.05 – 4.00 mg/l PO 4 -P114543380鉬藍法
Phosphate Cell Test 磷酸鹽0.5 – 20.0 mg/l PO 4 -P114729381鉬藍法
Phosphate Cell Test 磷酸鹽3.0 – 100.0 mg/l PO 4 -P100616382鉬藍法
Phosphate Test 磷酸鹽0.010 – 5.00 mg/l PO 4 -P114848383鉬藍法
Phosphate Test 磷酸鹽1.0 – 60.0 mg/l PO 4 -P100798384鉬藍法
Phosphate Cell Test 磷酸鹽0.5 – 25.0 mg/l PO 4 -P114546386鉬酸銨法
Phosphate Test 磷酸鹽0.5 – 30.0 mg/l PO 4 -P114842385鉬酸銨法
Potassium Cell Test 鉀5.0 – 50.0 mg/l K114562400比濁法
Potassium Cell Test 鉀30 – 300 mg/l K100615401比濁法
Residual Hardness Cell Test 殘留硬度0.50 – 5.00 mg/l Ca114683410紫酞法
Silicate (Silicic acid) Test 矽酸鹽0.11 – 8.56 mg/l SiO 2114794420矽鉬藍法
Silicate (Silicic acid) Test 矽酸鹽11 – 1070 mg/l SiO 2100857421矽鉬藍法
Sodium Cell Test in nutrient solutions
10 – 300 mg/l Na100885430間接測氯法
Sulfate Cell Test 硫酸鹽5 – 250 mg/l SO 4114548440硫酸鋇比濁法
Sulfate Cell Test 硫酸鹽100 – 1,000 mg/l SO 4114564442硫酸鋇比濁法
Sulfide Test 硫化物0.10 – 1.50 mg/l S114779450亞甲基藍法
Sulfite Cell Test 亞硫酸鹽1.0 – 20.0 mg/l SO 3114394460埃爾曼試劑法
Sulfite Test 亞硫酸鹽1.0 – 60.0 mg/l SO 3101746461埃爾曼試劑法
Surfactants (anionic) Cell Test
0.05 – 2.00 mg/l MBAS102552470亞甲基藍法
Surfactants (cationic) Cell Test
0.05 – 1.50 mg/l k–Ten101764471磺醯藍染料法
Surfactants (nonionic) Cell Test
0.10 – 7.50 mg/l n–Ten101787472TBPE法
Suspended Solids 懸浮物 S.S.50 – 750 mg/l AppNote480光度法
Total Hardness Cell Test 總硬度5 – 215 mg/l Ca100961510酞紫法
Turbidity 濁度1 – 100 FAUAppNote520
Volatile Organic Acids Cell Test
50 – 3,000 mg/l CH 3 COOH101749酯化法
Volatile Organic Acids Test
50 – 3,000 mg/l CH 3 COOH101809酯化法
Zinc Cell Test 鋅0.025 – 1.000 mg/l Zn100861540雙硫腙法
Zinc Cell Test 鋅0.20 – 5.00 mg/l Zn114566541雙硫腙法
A430 nm-2.600 – 2.600 A600
A530 nm-2.600 – 2.600 A610
A560 nm-2.600 – 2.600 A620
A580 nm-2.600 – 2.600 A630
A610 nm-2.600 – 2.600 A640
A660 nm-2.600 – 2.600 A650